Finley’s Tips for the Holidays

Dear Humans,


I’ve got a bone to pick with you. I have not been getting even CLOSE to the amount of attention that I’m used to, all because of this thing you call “Thanksgiving.” What on earth could my humans be more thankful for than me? Apparently turkeys, “the in-laws,” and someone named Holly Days are all people can talk about right now. I know a lot of my friends are also feeling like they’ve been put on the back-burner, and we’ve come up with some ideas for you humans to make this time of year easier for us.


First off, let’s start Christmas a little earlier. Bring on the toys! New toys are always a welcome distraction. A squeaky new ball helps me forget pretty quick that my humans are busy or gone. Plus, if I’m busy with my toys, I may not notice that the pies you’ve baked are sitting, unattended, on the counter. I might not even think about the fact that I can definitely get on that counter and eat a whole pie. Not a threat, just a thought…


Another trick for making this time of year easier for us dogs is to not make a big fuss about leaving when you go on your errands for Holly Days (again – who is she?!). I’m a pretty tough cookie, but I’m dog enough to admit that whenever my humans hug and kiss me and take a long time to say good-bye, it breaks my heart a little. Don’t get me wrong, I deserve all the affection my humans have to give, but I’ve noticed that when they don’t make a big deal out of leaving I feel a lot less upset. Otherwise I worry that they’re making a scene because they won’t be back for a long time.


I also find it soothing when my humans play music for me or leave the TV on when they’re gone. It’s amazing how a little bit of noise helps me not to feel lonesome. Sometimes I even fall asleep!


Another thing I notice around this time of year is that there are constantly new people coming to my house. Some I know and like, mostly because they like me. But other times, humans come who don’t seem to like me much (always puzzling), and that tends to upset me. Usually when people come over I feel better if I have some toys and my own cozy spot away from all the commotion. That way the non-dog loving people that my parents strangely associate with don’t have to deal with me, and more importantly, I don’t have to deal with them!


Now, humans, use these helpful tips and you can make sure that your beloved canine has a lot to be thankful for during this hectic time of year.


Until next time,




Executive Canine Quality Control Officer


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