Make New Year’s Resolutions For You and Your Pet - Cascade Kennels

New Year’s Resolutions Good for You and Your Pet

It has long been a tradition for people to create a list of New Year’s resolutions for themselves every year. They usually involve improving themselves or paying it forward to others. However, instead of focusing on resolutions just for yourself this year, we thought it would be fun to include your furry friend. So we came up with a list of our top seven New Year’s resolutions that are good for you and your pet.

  • Walk your dog every day – It’s no secret that many people gain some weight over the holidays. Exercising is a great way to work off those extra pounds. It is even more fun when you take your dog along, so head outside and get that heart rate up.
  • Take care of your pet’s teeth – It is always a great idea to schedule teeth cleaning with your veterinarian to ensure your pet has healthy teeth. You can even ask your veterinarian to show you the proper way to brush your pet’s teeth to keep diseases away. You can also start giving your pet enzymatic chews to help keep their teeth clean.
  • Take your pet to obedience class – Even if you have an even-tempered dog, it is always a good idea to take them to obedience class. Many dogs enjoy the challenges, and they get to bond with you in the process. A refresher course every few years is recommended if you’ve already attended classes.
  • Feed your pets healthier food – Your veterinarian is the best person to ask for food recommendations that are healthy for your pet. Then, make sure to feed them the recommended amount and limit their treats to smaller portions. You can even add some apples, carrots, and blueberries as a special healthy treat.
  • Keep toxic items out of your pet’s reach – Prevent your pet from getting into dangerous items such as cleaning supplies, medications, alcohol, and toxic plants by ensuring they are not where your pet can access them.
  • Enroll in pet insurance – Putting your pet on insurance will guarantee saving money on veterinary expenses. It is always wise to be prepared for anything unexpected in the year to come. There are many different plans to choose from to fit your needs and budget.
  • Spend quality time with your pet – Make a plan that will enable you to spend more time playing and cuddling with your pet. For example, take a long walk, binge-watch a TV show together on the sofa. Extra time with your pet has proven to be positive for their health.


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